Kam, Rachel, and Michelle have banded together to discuss creative tips and recipes to help anyone who's recovering from jaw surgery. Please note we're not nutritionists - But through trial and error, we made these recipes with the hope that each meal would provide us with the nutrients we need and the zesty flavors we crave. We now share these ideas with you. Bon appetit and best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Choppin' Broccoli - Broccoli and Cheese Soup

Easy Melting Cheese (like Velveeta)
1 can of Cream of Broccoli Soup
1 & 1/2 Can of Milk

This is a quick and easy soup!
Just warm a small/medium sized pot on the stove at medium heat.
Add the can of Cream of Broccoli Soup and the Milk. (If you wish this to be thicker, you may just add one can.)
Stir the soup and when it is starting to warm up, add a large slice of Velveeta cheese to the soup. This will help thicken it up and add great flavor, but still making it easy to drink. You can add as much as you feel necessary, but it doesn't take much.

After the soup has come to a boil, set the pot aside and let it cool for about 7 minutes, this will allow the soup to cool and it will also thicken the soup.
"Chop" up that soup with a hand blender, so you'll have no problems eating it!

*You may add protein powder to this after the soup has cooled, it might make the soup a little lumpy, but it didn't bother me much.
*Rachel recommends adding wheat crackers for great texture and taste. Great idea!
*Michelle adds rice to hers, this is a great option when at the "Soft Foods" stage of recovery!


Rachel said...

You can also add wheat crackers to soups like these if you need to thicken them up a bit. I love crackers in mine!

Michelle said...

I had broccoli soup yesterday! I added rice to mine now that I can eat soft foods.


Anonymous said...

Lovely! Although now I'm past the soup stage, but it still makes me hungry to read about food, any kind of food.

I love the ad on the right of the site that promises you can lose 20Lbs in 10 days or something. Yep, you can, just not the way they think ;-)
